We have to say we are usually very foreseeing when it comes to the new designs that are being created, but we really did not see this coming. Letto Zip comes from Florida Furniture and is a dream came true for all those people who dislike making their beds in the morning. Its appearance can be changed by simply zipping and unzipping its stylish cover. This has a major effect on the overall room design, while in the same time being very practical for the user who can prepare the bed in a fast and simple way. The furniture piece is highly modern and elegant, perfect for a large variety of contemporary interiors. With a soft and slightly curved frame, this looks like a comfortable dreamy bed. Letto Zip comes in three charming color-combinations: white-red, gray-red and white-blue. Looks inviting?- via The Design Blog.
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COMMENTARY: Created by Italian outfit, Florida Furniture, the clever bunk is designed to let you skip folding the sheets, while leaving your sleeping area looking clean. How can that happen? By having a zip-up dress that covers the entire surface of the mattress, so when guests accidentally stumble in the room, they'll have no idea it is inhabited by lazy people.
The Letto Zip Bed measures 7.87 x 6.56 x 2.72 feet, with a mattress slightly smaller in dimensions so it can be covered up neatly for effective camouflaging. Zippers run along the entire edge of the bed, where you can attach a completely detachable cover that can also double as an extra blanket (just in case the comforter isn't enough).
Each bed uses padded frames with a slightly rounded look for that modernist bedroom aesthetic. They use Emmecia fabrics throughout the whole construction, in your choice of white, gray or blue pallettes for the outer side.
Back in the day, there were only two ways a messy bedroom inhabitant can get a clutter-free sleeping area: marry someone who doesn't mind doing it or hiring a maid. With the Letto Zip Bed, there's now a third course of action. We have no idea on pricing, but you can learn more about it from the Florida Furniture website.
NOTE: According to my research, Florida Furniture no longer exits. The domain floridafurniture.net and italianocuccina.it (another company associated with the bed maker) are both avaialble for sale
Courtesy of an article dated October 27, 2010 appearing in Freshome Design & Architecture and an article dated October 27, 2010 appearing in Cool Things
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