Since their launch in June, the digital media LUMAscapes have really taken off. To date, the charts have been viewed over 175,000 times and downloaded over 12,000 times. LUMA Partners believes that expert crowdsourcing is the most effective way to make their LUMAscapes better, and they appreciate all suggestions from users. The LUMAscapes are regularly updated to reflect the dynamic nature of the digital subsectors they illustrate.
LUMA was recently discussing the venture capital industry and came to the realization that, to their knowledge, no similar venture capital industry landscape existed. So they designed their Digital Capital LUMAscape that maps out the sources of capital from Angel to Private Equity and all forms of Venture in-between. The Digital Capital LUMAscape could be very helpful for a variety of constituents, especially as a starting point for entrepreneurs assessing financing sources.
LUMA is focused on money sources that are relevant for the digital media/internet sectors so they purposely excluded fund sources for the healthcare and other tech sectors. Please email LUMA at [email protected] for any suggestions to make their Digital Capital LUMAscape more helpful and accurate.
LUMA Partners takes a refreshing approach to investment banking. The typical broad auction sell-side process simply doesn’t work for leading companies in the dynamic digital media industry. “Selling” a company results in adverse selection that can taint or sub-optimize the result for entrepreneurs and their investors.
Our approach is different. We work “up-funnel” with decision-makers at the strategic companies to provide objective advice regarding strategy and target selection – which we are able to do because of our deep market expertise and since we are not burdened with “inventory.” In other words, we help companies get bought. This approach results in more logical strategic matches that are a better outcome for all parties.
At the end of the day, we believe good companies are bought, not sold. Most investment bankers say this – but we put our business model where our mouth is. Since the digital industry we cover is all about disruption and efficiency, we felt the investment banking model could use a little disruption. Don’t you?"
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