Nearly 700,000 years ago the Earth's core shifted, changed the magnetic field, and precipitated mass extinctions around the globe. Now worried scientists think it may be happening again.
The Expanding Earth Theory, core mutations, and creeping Doomsday
As the Earth expands, the core mutates
The theory of the expanding Earth has fallen in and out of favor over the years. Currently, most geophysicists discount the idea. They point to a lack of evidence supporting such a thing.
Yet, advocates counter by pointing to deep ocean fissures that continue to split and widen while being "patched" by material upsurging from the planet's mantle. It's evidence, they argue, that the Earth is expanding, blowing up like a balloon, and will eventually explode many millions of years from now.
The shifting, aberrant, unstable core is a symptom of the process and causes geomagnetic field instability.
It's another step along the road towards Doomsday.
According to expanding Earth theorists, the planet will grow bigger and bigger until it bursts.
That day the Earth will cease to exist, continuing in orbit around the sun merely as tumbling chunks of jagged rock and clouds of drifting dust.
Unstable core a symptom of inflation
Asteroid belt...was it once an expanding planet?
Theorists that support the expanding Earth scenario promote the idea that a planet once existed between Mars and Jupiter—a region where only shards of rock remain. Known now as the asteroid belt, they claim that once a giant planet orbited there and expanded until it blew up.
Mars was a moon of that planet and other chunks of what remained either fell into the sun, were catapulted into space, or were captured by the large gas planets becoming additional moons.
Only a fraction of the planet remained in its original orbit. The asteroids are the debris of—and a testament to—the death of a world.
Earth once one-third its current size
The expanding Earthers argue that none of the large dinosaurs could have existed on today's world. Earth's gravity is too high now for the larger dinosaurs to have survived. Their weight and mass was adapted to a planet one-third its current size with a gravity field less than half of today's.
The continents drifted away from each other not by continental drift of the underlying tectonic plates, but because as the Earth inflates the land masses naturally are pushed farther apart.
Once all continents were one supercontinent called Pangea
Paleontologists and geologists scoff at the theory and point to evidence they have amassed discrediting such things.
Core the key to inflation
But the advocates of the expansion theory are persistent. The core and its permutations drive the expanding Earth, they say. And now as the core wobbles and shifts—causing the entire geomagnetic pole to shift—they have redoubled their argumements and their critics have no response.
9.1 Earthquake of Fukushima, Japan March 11, 2011
The core shift affects the deep sea plates—the mega-continent sized plates the land masses sit on. As the core shifts the mantle pressure builds and the plates crack and move generating mega-thrust quakes like the ones that devastated Japan during March 2011.
And as the magnetic field shifts it causes an electromagnetic flux affecting climate.
Its interaction with the sun's electrical field, they claim, will fuel the outbreak of superstorms across the planet from Russia to Australia, from the United States to northern Europe.
And there is evidence of that with the two back-to-back superstorms that pummeled Australia, the giant storms that lashed the UK and Russia and the titanic snowstorms that slammed America during the winter of 2010.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama was hit by a powerful tornado on April 29, 2011
Now during early 2011 more superstorms have whipped across Europe and ferocious storms have pounded the United States. During April 2011 alone more than 600 tornadoes devastated huge regions of Texas and the South up towards the mid-Atlantic states. At one point the storms affected many millions in more than 25 states and caused terrible destruction across 14 of them. Hunfreds of people lost their lives and property damage soared into the billions.
Some scientists see this as only the beginning and predict bigger and more frequent storms.
And all the while the core continues its turbulent shifting. Writhing and spinning out of synch with the rest of the planet...a sphere of molten metal gone mad as the Earth expands...
COMMENTARY: If the Expanding Earth Theory is real, then we are DOOMED!! Some day in the distant future, the Earth will pop like a balloon. Before that happens, there is going to be the biggest fucking earthquakes and volcano eruptions of all time. This is punishment for the way we humans have treated Mother Earth.
As weird as it sounds, the number "11" keeps appearing to me all the time, like in 11:11 or 11-11 or in numbers that are multiples of the number 11, such as the numbers 22, 33, 66. If you take the following recent catastrophe's the number 11 appears.
- The Indonesian earthquake that occured on December 26, 2004 caused a huge tsunami that killed 250,000 peoople. If you add the first four numbers in the date: 1+2+2+6, it equals 11.
- The Chilean earthquake that occured on February 27, 2008, caused a huge tsunami and a huge amount of damage. If you add the first four numbers in the date; 2+2+7, it equals 11.
- There was a New Zealand earthquake that occured on February 22, 2011. The numbers 22 and 11 appear.
- The Fukushima, Japan earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011. The date is 3-11-11. The number pattern 11-11 appears.
- Tuscoloosa, Alabama had a huge tornado that killed 250 and occurred on April 29, 2011. If you add 2 + 9 it equals 11. The number pattern 11-11 appears.
Is the appearance of the number 11 in the above is incidents mere coincidence?
Some religious believers think that all the recent catastrophe's, including the earthquakes that occurred in New Zealand, Indonesia, Chile and Japan, the Fukushima nuclear reactor catastropohe, and the recent tornado's in the South, could be sign of the End Times. What do you think? I dread what might happen on November 11, 2011. That's 11-11-11. By the way, I was born on November 22, that's 11-22. Post a comment if similar number patterns appear to you.
Courtesy of an article dated April 29, 2011 appearing in Before It's News
I think Reid Hoffman's (founder of LinkedIN) head grew to gigantic proportion judging from LinkedIn's highly successful IPO
Posted by: Tommy | 05/20/2011 at 07:11 AM
The Earth is growing.
That means it is a living being, and thus the expansion continue only until it has reached the adult state. So it won't "explode" but it will be a more peaceful place to live on.
Posted by: rickard | 05/20/2011 at 02:27 AM