Today I learned of a video that has surfaced showing a 1992 interview with Stanley Meyer, who is famous for allegedly powering a dune buggy with water through an onboard process that allegedly converted water in small amounts into a fuel that could run the vehicle. The 37-minute clip shows the vehicle from many angles, the key components, how they work, and it gives Meyer's personal ambitions with the technology, both to commercialize it into an affordable retrofit kit, and what he plans to do with the proceeds.
Six years later, Meyer was poisoned in a restaurant; standing and saying, "I've been poisoned", before falling over dead.
The video that surfaced for the first time on YouTube a couple of weeks ago is accompanied by a statement to the effect that threats have been received, so feel free to copy and disseminate thevideo to prevent its disappearance. We therefore uploaded a copy of it, which we downloaded from
As a free energy newsman, I know a little about a lot, so I'm not intimate to all that's out there on Stanley Meyer, but it seemed to me that this video contained some great info that could help those out there who have been trying to replicate the technology. It's a good overview of the technology and of the man and his team.
They were talking about soon going into production with a retrofit kit for vehicles, which would only cost $1500 and would enable them to run on water; and another kit for large trucks, that would cost less than $5000. Meyer held out a device that would replace the spark plug, and would contain the reaction chamber for turning water into the ionized gas.
In one facility, he was expecting that 11,000 units could be built in one 24-hour period.
In the retrofit, he envisioned just using the gas tank to hold the water. I wasn't impressed by Meyer's explanation of how the water is kept from freezing in frigid temperatures. He seemed to have a clever method to keep the tank from freezing using very little energy, but that wouldn't work for the lines.
A bit of a red flag went up for me when he talked about using the proceeds of sales to evangelize Christianity to the world. And he emblazons "Jesus is Lord" on the side of his car, next to "WaterPowered Car". People often put their brains in a jar when they think someone is a "good Christian," turning the endeavor into one of faith, rather than science or business. They open themselves to being steamrollered with a great story and charisma without doing sufficient due diligence.
Here's the video.
In a World Puja interview that Steven Greer and Ted Loder of the Orion Project did on January 28, they reported that their bid to procure the Stanley Meyer collection ended up being declined, and went to another party. I phoned Dr. Loder to ask who the bid went to, but he said that this info was not disclosed.
About six months ago, someone I know (whose name most of you would recognize) told me he recently was working with the actual Stanley Meyer collection and got it to operate, saying "it does work." He also told me a few things about it, which went over my head. So somewhere, someone apparently is making good headway on this. We'll post more news as it breaks.
COMMENTARY: Man, this dude was poisoned over a dune buggy that uses water as its fuel. Big deal. I can do that, no sweat. Here's proof:
Having said this, I was curious about Stanley Meyer's mysterious and abrupt death, and I discovered that he died of food poisoning, but other's claim he died from a brain aneurysm. In any event, there's quite a lot of material concerning Mr. Meyer's death. You can find it HERE.
I also found information about Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell patent, which he claimed produced more energy than it consumed. U.S. Patent 5,149,407: Process and apparatus for the production of fuel gas and the enhanced release of thermal energy from such gas. Here's the diagram in his patent:
Karal Studio's has prepared a rather extensive list of information about the water fuel cell technology behind Stanley Meyer's water-powered car. You can find it HERE.
Courtesy of an article dated February 3, 2011 appearing in Before It's News, an article appearing in Wikimedia Commons and Karla Studio's article
I know Stan’s technology will eventually come out and more widely used, despite all the murder threats and resistance to all who try to develop it. I purchased Stan’s 8xa board with coil from here and it splits water exactly as Stan showed in his videos:
You have come too late to tell me it was a fraud or it did not work. It does. If it was such a scam, why is every water fuel inventor murdered or mysteriously stopped from completing their work? Answer: US Government and big oil!
Posted by: Alex | 10/09/2014 at 08:08 PM
This man is a testament to TRUE knowledge and I look forward to seeing him in heaven.No college education and he is a genius far beyond most humans alive today. Many think colleges are the source or knowledge but in reality they are a leading source of lies and brainwashing. Many colleges will not let you in if you do not believe in the theory of evolution of at least give the evolution answers on entrance exams.
For those who think Stanley was a charlatan he actually built a car and drove it on water.Its easy for the demon/sin oppressed fool to sit and launch accusations but GOD gives power to his people that is far beyond the awareness of this deceived modern age.Evil looses and Good wins when the battle of Armageddon takes place...most of you are on the loosing end.
Posted by: charley | 03/05/2013 at 04:18 PM
I find it very suspicious that here is a man with no higher education in science and physics yet was making numerous technological and scientific breakthroughs without the advanced equipment necessary to conduct the experiments to achieve them. Watching the video, and listening to Meyer ramble on and on it becomes very clear the guy was a charlatan. The more he talks the more of fool he reveals himself to be. He was no more than a snake oil salesman.
As P.T. Barnum said: There's a sucker born every minute!
Posted by: Grapost | 09/17/2012 at 06:34 AM
This seems crazy that water could produce more power than the actual energy required to produce the hydrogen? Thoughts? How does that steam car work? Pretty dang fast!
Posted by: Short Sale Portland | 11/25/2011 at 03:48 PM
Man, when can we see commercialized water-fueled cars?
I heard about this back when I was just a kid and I thought, by the time I turn 30, there will be more water-fueled cars. Ha! Was I wrong!
Anyway, I hope water-fueled cars get their spotlight soon.
Posted by: Laurence Modithre | 10/26/2011 at 11:10 AM
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Posted by: Auto repair Vancouver | 07/26/2011 at 01:57 PM
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Posted by: vancouver wa car repair | 07/15/2011 at 10:34 AM