An Australian documentary about the mysterious underwater pyramid complex off the coast of Okinawa is the best one I've ever seen.
It covers not just the geological and archeological features but the cultural ones, as well, with locals telling of legends about underwater cities and a palace belonging to the "Sea God."
The underwater structures also show a striking resemblance to a surviving ancient Okinawan castle above thewater, which includes large spaces carved out of bedrock.
The underwater complex stretches for kilometers with a central pyramid, which Professor Masayaki Kimura is 100% certain could not have been formed by natural, geological processes. He estimates that it is 10,000 years old; twice the age of the Giza complex in Egypt.
The Japanese structure is thought to have sunk beneath the waves as the sea level rose, during the end of the last Ice Age.
Another video about the Yonaguni underwater pyramids is available HERE.
If true, this would constitute a major re-write of human history.
COMMENTARY: Those underwater Japanese pyramids look man-made to me. There is no explainable way how those structures could've been created naturally. If they are in fact 10,000 years old, then they predate the Egyptian pyramids. Japan lies at the edge of the so-called "Ring of Fire" where most of the volcanoes and earthquake fault lines intersect. It is quite possible that in ancient times, something catastrophic occurred that caused the land to drop below the ocean. I find this sort of finding very interesting. The hell with Apple, Facebook and Groupon. I want to know about these damn pyramids.
Courtesy of an article dated January 15, 2011 appearing in Before It's News
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