For the best articles on venture capital, including venture capital profiles, venture capital fundings, hot industry sectors, marketing strategy, technology, clean-tech, company profiles, mergers and acquisitions, strategic partnerships, licensing and franchising deals, rumors, gossip and other tidbits, we recommend VentureWire's Venture Capital Dispatch. The following are some informative articles for your reading pleasure:
- The Daily Start-Up: Twitter Is Worth $_______. - Valuation experts estimate Twitter is worth $300 million to $10 billion. Take your pick.
- Qiming Joins Growing List Of VC, PE Firms Mulling Yuan Fund - Chinese permit Yuan-based currenty private equity funds.
- Absorbent Technologies Copes With VCs’ Fear Of The ‘F Words’ - Startup encounters problems raising capital from VC's so it takes a different route.
- The Daily Start-Up: Angels V. Boston Ventures - Latest lawsuits against VC firms, why VC model doesn't work for some startups, Indian government takes steps to police VC firms, Oregon aims to increase green tech investments, and other topics.
- Where $25 Premature-Baby Incubators Are Conceptualized - Stanford University dives into new product design field to solve "difficult, messy problems".
- Plan B: Breaking Through To A Better Business Model - Listening to customer feedback to develop a better revenue model.
- The Daily Start-Up: Tim Draper’s Voice Is Anything But “Smooth” - Tim Draper, venture capitalist, sings with Carlos Santana, How the SEC's Regulation A can facilitate going directly to the public to raise capital and other potpouri.
- Aesthetic Market’s Complexion Worsens As Therative Closes - Therative, Inc., skin product producer goes belly up. Leaves VC firms holding the bag.
- The Convergence Of Health Care & Information Technology - VC's invest more in health care than IT during 2nd quarter 2009. Fed's stimulus plan creates $19 billin fund for health care-IT. Entrepreneurs take on the challenge to take advantage of the funding.
- The Daily Start-Up: Internet, Take Two - Mark Cuba says the way we read and share information on the Web is about to change, the Internet needs a facelift and a call to standardize term sheets.
- How DCM’s Japanese Partner Found Smith & Tinker - How VC firm DCM discovered and then funded Smith & Tinker, gaming company.
- How Long Does It Take To Build A Technology Empire? - Tableau Software concludes study on how technology companies grow their businesses.
- Turning Out The Lights: ConSentry Networks - ConSentry Networks, IT security startup, shuts down.
- The Daily Start-Up: Merging The Gaming Worlds - Smith & Tinker, gaming startup tries to merge multi-player online gaming and console gaming and the future of venture capital.
Courtesy of VentureWire's Venture Capital Dispatch
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